A tour of machine learning: classification

live training

A tour of machine learning: classification

Target Audience:
All VIB staff


General context

Videos and online practical sessions


In the current age of data, advanced analysis offered by Machine Learning research is essential for transforming this data into new knowledge and useful tools. In this two-day workshop I explain the principles underlying Machine Learning and teach you how to build accurate prediction models from data through hands on exercises, with a focus on building classification models.


At the end of the workshop you will be able to compute and evaluate prediction models from your data using the Scikit-Learn Python library. You will also be able to understand current advances in Machine Learning such as Deep Learning. 

Required skills

The workshop is written in the Python programming language. If you have no experience with Python, you should follow the Python introduction course first. No background in Machine Learning is assumed, just a keen interest.


Sven Degroeve

Prof. Dr. Sven Degroeve is a staff-scientist at the VIB-UGent Center for Medical Biotechnology and teaches Machine Learning for biomedical data at UGent.

Contact Sven Degroeve :


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